Now, most of you readers are my close friends, family members and those that got sucked into reading this because I now paste it on my email signature. But if you are a random Googler or somehow referred to this blog by one of the above mentioned then you need to know that my views on retirement are formed from the Word of God(the Bible). For more about a "Biblical Retirement" I recommend John Piper's online FREE book, Rethinking Retirement, The Bible talks a lot about money and savings an because I am not an expositor I will leave it at this, God commands his children to save for the future.
I don't think anyone, no matter what type of retirement you are planning on, would argue that retirement is a good "idea". Scratch that...its a Great Idea. It is why 99% of us go to work, because there is hope that one day we wont have to go to work! I think the only person that doesn't want to retire is Bret Favre. That being said, how can it be that the median income for those age 65+ and in retirement is $16,770? (Employee Benefit Research Institute, March 2008) Its because of a lack of savings, advice, sacrifices and too much debt. So, how do you make the "idea" a reality? Here are 4 ways you can start doing to make your "idea" really happen.
- Create a detailed budget (more on this later)
- Pay down Debt
- Save whatever you can
- Get Advice
No matter how you slice it, saving money is hard. It will take some work, sacrifice and a great deal of discipline but in the end it will be worth it. Talk with a person in retirement that has done so successfully they will probably tell you it wasn't a bed of roses getting there. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing.